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Deck Store

Food Provision

Engine Store

Paints & Lubricants

Navigational Items

Spare Parts

Safety Equipment

Reconditioned Items

Laundry Soap Powder

per Kg
Toilet Plunger

per Pcs
Mango (Rupali)

per Kg
Salmon Fish

per Kg
Air Filter, Felt

per Roll



Our Sister Concerns


Sea King Maring Services Ltd.

SKMS was registered SRPS in department of shipping, Bangladesh in 2007. We complied MLC-2006 in 2013. The company was certified by "Bureau Vetitus (BV)" in 2013. The next year in 2014, SKMS was registered as a ISO 9001:2008 certified company by RINA. Main Strength of Sea King Marine Services Ltd lies in the blend of professionals, specialized and highly focused team. Increasing customer's awareness is the strength where it excels over its competitors.

Sea Tech Ltd.

Our sister concern company named Sea Tech Ltd takes care of the technical aspects. SeaTech began its journey as a part of Sea King Marine Services Limited in January 2009. Currently it is working as a company providing our customers all kinds of technical supports like mechanical repairs and maintenances, spare parts supply and other technical solutions on demand.

Sea Agency Ltd.

Sea Agency provides wide range of ship agency services to both local and international vessels calling in any port of Bangladesh. Our dedicated and professional team ensures that client’s vessels enter and exit in a port quickly and efficiently. Our team pay particular attention from pre-arrival to post departure to accurate and speedy communication in handling overall disbursement control...

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